All businesses, large and small, need a web presence to promote their brand, product or service. Whether templated or bespoke, we have considerable experience in the design, content and build of websites suitable for desktop, tablet or mobile devices across a wide range of clients.
The website design and build process is similar, whether the site is small or large. It's important from the outset to establish the content of the site, this is generally produced by the client although a site plan can be produced. On approval of the plan, the design can proceed, using all the tools from the brand identity to create a website that both looks and sounds (through tone of voice) how the client wants to portray their business through this medium. Various approval stages are built in, then testing, prior to site launch. Ongoing support is available that may include hosting, SSL, seo and regular updates (important to search engine rankings).
Websites are the cornerstone of company branding.
Websites have become the cornerstone of a companies branding, they need to be well designed and easy to navigate, whether on desktop, laptop, tablet or especially mobile devices.
We also produce online marketing products such as web banners and digital brochures, usually saved as web friendly pdfs ready for download from the clients website.
Your website should develop and grow with your business, showcasing recent work and encouraging new clients through the door.
DesignPoint is a multi-service design agency specialising in start ups and SMEs, working with clients from the ground up, and building a working relationship that grows with the business.